The highest-paid American woman in the 1940’s was no other than Betty Grable. She became a part of Springtime in the Rockies, Coney Island, and Pin-Up Girl. She was the girl who sang, danced, and performed while catching the hearts of American men. She was also known for her ideal legs; it was said to have a proportion of 18.5-inch thigh, 12-inch calf, and 7.5-inch ankle. Her legs were considered the best legs and were even given insurance with an amount of $1 million by her studio Lloyd’s of London.

Her ever-famous pinup photo wearing a bathing suit and high- heeled pumps, exposing her beautiful legs and beautiful face, have sold millions of copies in World War II. What a successful supermodel she is in World War II-era! There are no doubts that she has been one of the top performers of her time. She really deserves to be in the hall of fame.
