If you have encountered Irish dance shows such as the famous Riverdance, Lord of the Dance, Feet of Flames, and Celtic Tiger Live, you have been probably marveled by the internationally known Irish-American dancer Michael Ryan Flatley. His exceptional work duly recognized him in the reinvention of traditional Irish dance, where he incorporated new rhythms, syncopation, and upper body movements. His out of the world dancing skills and abilities paved the way into his success, earning $ 1 billion by performing in front of 60 million people in 60 countries.

He also holds a record for of tap dancing 35 times per second in the Guinness World Records. But those are not the only things that he has done. He has a lot more achievements and recognitions throughout his illustrious career. With the earnings and success, he has through dancing, he gave importance and acquired insurance for his feet for $ 40 million.
