George Reeves deserves credit for being one of the first actors to portray Superman—after all, this was a time when playing Superman was less than cool for “serious”actors. Despite this, it’s been reported that he didn’ like the character and always thought that playing a superhero signified he was at the bottom of the hierarchy as far as acting was concerned. Indeed, the man was reportedly always drunk on set, and didn’t infrequently tell fellow actors that they were, like he was, 39;at the bottom of the barrel’39;.

Before his death, his career was in the toilet, and he slunk into a deep depression. His death was a controversial one that even his lawyers cannot rule out the real situation. He was found with a fatal wound to the head, and while the official finding was that he took his own life, many have speculated whether there was, in fact, foul play. We just hope that Reeves had made an insurance for himself to somehow take care of his bereaved family.
