Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone was born in New York, USA on July 6, 1946. He is an Italian-American painter, actor, screenwriter, director and producer. Stallone entered the showbiz in 1970. In 1976, he wrote and acted the first film in the “Rocky” series. In 1977, he was nominated for Best Actor and Best Screenplay at the 49th Oscar and 34th American Golden Globe Awards for his movie “Rocky”.

They met each other when Sylvester was 42 and Jennifer was 19. After two marriages that ended in divorce lawyers, the actor wasn’t looking to date but met Jennifer by chance. Some might think this was ill-timed, given the fact that his career and personal life weren’t in the best place—but it seems Jennifer brought the luck and love that he so direly needed. It was quite a risk for someone so young, especially since the actor’s reputation precedes him, but if their 23 years together is proof of anything—it’s that things often end up working out when you least expect it.
