Tucker Carlson has only been married once, and it’s to his wife of 30 years, Susan Andrews. He may be a tough political commentator, but for his spouse, he’s a softie. The couple has known each other almost all their lives. They first met when they were only 15 years old and in the 10th grade. In fact, Tucker described the young Susan as the cutest 10th grader he saw.

Mrs. Andrews can even vividly recall that moment. He was wearing a pair of khaki pants, a ribbon belt and looked very optimistic. Everything seemed to be fine between the two, but there was a catch. Susan was the headmaster’s daughter, so could you imagine the degree of pressure Tucker must have felt then? With the brave face and clean intention, however, Tucker asked her dad if he could have her hand for marriage. You probably know what happened next, as Tucker and Susan are now happily living together with four kids.
