Martin Sheen, who has won many Emmy Awards and Golden Globe Awards, is the most famous, legendary and superb acting actor in the United States. The Ohio native’s films, including Captain Benjamin L. Willard starring in Francis Coppola’s masterpiece “Apocalypse Now”, have won him worldwide recognition.His other famous works include “Wall Street” (starring with his sons Charlie Sheen and Michael Douglas), Oscar-winning film “Gandhi” (with Ben Kingsley), “Catch Me If You Can “(With Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks), The American President” (with Douglas and Annette Bening) and so on.

Spending almost six decades of one’s life with another person might seem unimaginable for some, but Martin and Janet Sheen prove that it can be done. Together, they have four children: Charlie, Emilio, Ramon, and Renee. Throughout their marriage, Janet has also always told him the truth—never hesitating to do so. Whilst this might be a flaw to others, Martin is very thankful for the fact. Calling himself fortunate for marrying the “scariest woman he has ever met”. Both Martin and Janet work in the industry. She’s received credit as an actress and producer for films such as Kennedy and Beverly Hills Brats.
