Sigourney and Jim first met at the Moscow Art Theatre back in 1983. They spent that first night dancing and have yet to really stop. Sigourney’s career is getting better and better, but there is nothing more important to her than family. “I have a very good husband. I hope that I can spend more time with my family instead of filming so often. My daughter is also a very patient girl who supports my career. I think my family is More important than work. ” When Sigourney said these words, Sigourney’s husband and daughter stood quietly beside her, watching her smile sweetly.

Sigourney and Jim are another couple who proves that age gaps matter little. In this case, she is older than her husband by seven years—but you wouldn’t be able to tell that with the way they banter. They’ve even worked together, with Jim directing his wife on the film The Guys. Their daughter Charlotte even got in the fun, receiving acting credit for portraying her own mother’s child in the movie. Talk about keeping it in the family!
