As a father of 4 children, Denzel Washington taught his children that this world is not a perfect place, but he also asked them not to be beaten by imperfections. He said, “Don’t be a person with a grudge. Don’t let resentment ruin you. Instead, conquer it and forget the past. If you want, let hatred become a lesson. ” When it comes to making relationships work in Hollywood and in general, knowing how to keep things private is imperative.

Just take cues from Denzel and Pauletta Washington; the couple has kept things low-key over the years but has occasionally given small glimpses into their life as a married couple. For example, they first met back in 1977 on the set of Wilma, a TV movie. Their first date was on Valentine’s Day, and Pauletta actually turned down his wedding proposal twice! Of course, every relationship takes work, and to their credit, the couple continues to invest in it. The result speaks for itself.
