Dustin Hoffman was born on August 8, 1937 in Los Angeles, California. He is an American actor and director. On May 4, 1969, Dustin Hoffman married Anne Bourne Hoffman and gave birth to two daughters, Karina and Jenna. On October 6, 1980, he divorced Anne Byrne Hoffman. On October 12, 1980, Dustin Hoffman married lawyer Lisa Gottsagan and had four more children: Jacob, Max, Rebecca and Alexander.

This husband and wife tandem also understands the need to constantly work on their relationship. In doing so, their love only continues to grow. For them, the investments they put into their marriage is just as important as the ones they make for their children. As you may know, Dustin Hoffman is an established Hollywood actor, and Lisa Hoffman is the head of her own skincare company. Like others on our list, it was also love at first sight for these lovebirds. Together, they have four kids. Despite the age gap, they both share very traditional values—meaning, family is very important for them.
