Dinners at this lovely couple’s home must be quite a feast! Guy Fieri, the host of Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives, is actually a big fan of his wife’s cooking—pointing to a shared passion and talent between the two of them. Perhaps, this is also one of the reasons why they have lasted over 25 years together. His favorite dish of hers? An old recipe she learned growing up in Rhode Island. It is also one of the first dishes she cooked for him.

Food also gets credit for bringing them together. Lori was a guest at the Long Beach resto he was managing. As soon as he saw her, he knew right then that she was the one. From those moments, they become inseparable, and their love grew more. The guy always credits Lori for being supportive and helping him create ideas for his recipes and restaurant. A power couple that you can rely on and get good influence.
